London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wood Green 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wood Green]

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The names and addresses are as follows:—
1. Knight, Wm., 301, High Road.
2. Brown, G. H., 103, High Road.
3. Fillary, E. A., 45, Finsbury Road.
4. Jones, F. G., 141, Myddleton Road.
5. Edwards, J., 201, High Road.
Only one of these Slaughterhouses is used to any extent, but
each of the premises is kept under close observation, and visits
paid at times of slaughtering; which, more often than not, is done
in the late afternoon and evening; and a large number of carcases
was inspected.
The following is the list of articles surrendered and destroyed
during the year in connection with inspection at Slaughterhouses:—
5 Pigs for Tuberculosis.
35 Pigs' Heads for Tuberculosis (15cwt., 3qrs., 131bs.)
11 Parts of Carcasses.
Offal, Livers, etc.
Three hundred and live visits have been paid to the above,
and 2,235 animals inspected with viscera at time of slaughter.
These inspections naturally take up a great deal of the time of
your Inspectors, and necessitate attendances long after the Office
The Butchers, Fishmongers, Fruiterers and other shops where
food is prepared or sold have been visited at regular intervals, as
well as the stalls in the High Road on Friday and Saturday evenings.