London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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During March, 1944, a Treatment Centre for Scabies and verminous conditions was opened at the Hospital.
During 1945 the following cases were treated :-
Scabies cases and contacts 2,380
Verminous conditions 336
Other conditions 6
Total attendances 8,769
Nursing Staff.
During 1926 a commencement was made in Schick Testing the Nursing Staff and immunising those Nurses
who proved susceptible to Diphtheria. Since that date, 18 cases of Diphtheria have occurred : 1 in 1927, 1 in 1928,
1 in 1929, 2 in 1930, none in 1931, 1 in 1932, none in 1933, 2 in 1934, 1 in 1935, 2 in 1936, 2 in 1937, 1 in 1938,
2 in 1939, none in 1940, 1 in 1941, none in 1942, 1 in 1943, none in 1944, and none in 1945.
(1) No. of cases of Diphtheria occurring amongst Probationer Nurses during the first 8 months of
1926 (before immunisation was carried out) 9
(2) Incidence rate per annum (taking 30 as average No. of Probationer Nurses) 45.0 per cent.
(3) No. of cases of Diphtheria occurring amongst Probationer Nurses from 1927 to 1945 18
(4) Incidence rate per annum (taking 30 as average No. of Probationer Nurses) 3.3 per cent.
(5) No. of Nurses Schick Tested (1927-1945 inclusive) 517
(6) No. of Nurses giving a positive reaction 211
(7) Percentage of Nurses giving a positive reaction 40.8 per cent.

T able No. 20.

Diseases.No. in Hospital on 1-1-45.Admitted.Total under Treatment.Discharged Recovered, or Transferred.Died.Mortality per cent.Remaining in Hospital on 31-12-15
Cerebro-spinal Fever1233
Enteric Fever
Puerperal Infections1151616
Scarlet Fever1418620018713
Whooping Cough443473824.37
Mixed Infections
Other Diseases10326336300123.624
Tonsil and Adenoid Cases (Middx.and Harrow Hospitals)2792792745
Tonsil and Adenoid Cases (Willesden)5055055014
Civilian Sick35(5297443023
Service Sick56671692
Air Raid Casualties111