London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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Canal Boats Acts, 1877-1884.—The number of boats inspected during the Year 1929, was
22 (34 inspections).
The following infringement of the Regulations was observed and verbal Notice given to the
Master without certificate 1
The contravention was remedied.
No legal proceedings were taken during the year.
No case of Infectious Disease has been notified or traced, and no boats were detained for
cleansing or disinfection.
The Willesden Urban District Council is not a Registration Authority.
Houses Let in Lodgings.—Bye-laws were made by the Urban District Council of Willesden
with respect to Houses intended or used for occupation by the Working Classes and let in lodgings,
or occupied by members of more than one family, on the 26th July, 1927. These were allowed by
the Minister of Health on the 18th April, 1928. Pending the decision of the Council with regard
to appointing additional staff to cope with the extra work entailed, the effective working of these
Bye-laws has been delayed.
Offensive Trades.—There are 7 Rag and Bone Dealers carrying on this business in the
district, all complying with the Bye-laws.
Underground Sleeping Rooms.—There are 723 houses with basements and approximately
400 rooms are used as sleeping apartments. The Regulations of the Council governing this class
of property were amended to conform to Section 18, Housing Act, 1925.
Disposal of the Dead.—The Council at present own a cemetery within the district and it is
estimated that a further 8,800 grave spaces could be laid out before that cemetery is full; the average
number of burials therein annually for the past ten years has been 1,329. The Council realising that
the accommodation of their present cemetery will within a few years be exhausted, selected a site
in the Kingsbury Urban District practically abutting on the north-western boundary of the district.
Early in 1929 the Minister of Health held an Inquiry into the Council's application to borrow £11,100
for the acquisition of the land, which was sanctioned on 7th May, 1929.
There are two Jewish cemeteries situate in the district, one in Beaconsfield Road and another
in Pound Lane, and it is estimated there are sufficient grave spaces to last 30 and 65 years respectively
before these cemeteries are full.
Schools.—The whole of the schools in Willesden have a good and sufficient water supply
and sanitary accommodation.
Rag Flock Acts, 1911-28.—There are no premises in the district on which rag flock is manufactured,
and no sampling under these Acts has been carried out during the year.
The total number of houses in Willesden is 28,800.

The following table shews building activities during the periods stated:—

Table No . 13.

Year.For working classes.Not for working classes.Total.
Houses erected by the Council.Houses erected by private enterprise.Houses erected by private enterprise.
Total for 9 years9771,2373,1785,392
Activity in the erection of smaller houses in the Northern part of the district continues.