London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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No.Date of Birth.Sex.Physical condition prior to treatment.Condition for which treatment is being given.Height and Weight at Beginning and End of Treatment.Erythema and Pigmentation.Any other treatment adopted.
78. P.B.17.6.18F.FairEnuresisft. in. 3 7½St. lb. oz. 2 11 0½ft. in. 4 1St. lb. oz. 3 7 4ModerateVirol
79. V.G.12.2.27F.FairLack of teeth-0 23 8-0 29 12ModerateNil
80. E.P.14.2.29M.PoorWasting0 8 110 17 2ModerateVirol and Emulsion.
81. D.N.6.6.22F.FairDebility after Pneumonia ...3 103 7 03 11¾3 10 8Slight
82. R.T.3.9.22M.FairGlands in neck3 112 9 124 0¾3 11 10FairNil
83. L.M.21.5.21M.FairDebility after Pertussis and Bronchitis, Lost weight.4 3¼3 1104 3¾4 3 8ModerateCod Liver Oil and Malt.
84. D.S.3.6.17M.FairAsthma since age of 5 years.44¼3 12 04 5½4 0 0Slight-
85. H.P.25.7.22M.FairDebility and Nerves4 0½3 2 44 0¾3 7 12Very littleSix weeks at Hayling Island Convalescent Home.