London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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* Corresponds to Reference No. of Note. (Notes for Inspecting Officer—
Circular 582.)
Degree i=Good...In columns corresponding to reference Nos.
(Average or)
" 2=t normal , „ „ „ 4,6,9,10,18
,, 3=Bad ,, „ „
,, 2b=Belownormal...An additional Class in the case of Nutrition.
„ I=6/5 & 6/6 In columns corresponding to reference Nos.
„ 2= 6/9 & 6/12 „ „ ,, 14
„ 3=6/18 D60 „ „ „
„ I (Tonsils) „ „ „ 12 Reprwsents d'gree of enlargm't
„ 2 ,, „ „
„ 3 „ „ „
I.=Insufficiency „ „ „
R.=Need of Repair „ „ „ 6
C.=Uncleanliness „ „ „
V.=Verminous condition „ „ 10
O.D.=Other diseases „ „ 10,12,13.15
A.=Attention „ „
R.=Response „ „ 18
M.B.=Mouth Breathers „ „ 12
S.=Squint „ „ 13
O. &c.==Discharging Ear Disease „ ,, 15
A.=Total No. of Teeth found to be defective „
B.=No. of Children in which defective Teeth were
found „ 11
C.=Average No. of defective Teeth peraffected child „