London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Willesden 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Willesden]

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(5) That the population housed in 1 roomed
tenements is now actually and proportionately
diminishing, and has sunk to
2.6 per cent. of the whole population.
(6) That the proportion of overcrowding in each
class of tenement is undergoing marked
and substantial reduction.
The significance of these results receives reinforcement
when we come to consider the bearing of
the facts elucidated in the course of systematic
In analysing and tabulating the results of the
Inspectors' enquiries into the sanitary condition of
Willesden tenements, I have endeavoured to discover
whether any relationship exists between rental
and the number of rooms per tenement, between
the number of rooms per tenement and the number
of persons per room, between the rental per room
and the number of persons per room, between the
rental per room and the cubic capacity of the room,
between the cubic capacity of rooms and the number
of rooms per tenement, between the rental per