London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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8. RODENT CONTROL. The Rodent Control Service
which is confined to dealing with infestations by rats and mice has
continued to operate during the year under review. A staff of three
" Ministry trained" assistants has performed the necessary work.
No charge is made to householders in respect of treatment at
private dwelling houses but in all other cases a charge is made on a
time and materials basis. 883 premises were satisfactorily treated
by the Council and one infestation was known to have been treated
9. PUBLIC CLEANSING. The Officer of Public Cleansing
has kindly supplied the following information :—
Refuse Collection.
House and Trade refuse is collected weekly, with the exception
that refuse from certain blocks of flats is collected twice weekly.
The amount of refuse collected during the year was 31,343 tons.
The separate collection of waste paper from business premises
has been maintained. The amount collected from this source during
the year was 759 tons.
Refuse Disposal.
Refuse is disposed of by a Separation and Incineration Plant
which has handled 31,348 tons. Salvage materials amounting to
3,242 tons were sold for £18,635.
Street Cleansing.
The system of street sweeping by the use of pedestrian controlled
electric trucks, each with an operator and four street orderlies,
continues to give a frequency of sweeping of at least once every seven
Public Conveniences.
Free washing facilities at the two staffed Conveniences in the
Borough have been maintained during the year.