London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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(d) (i) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved
during the year 4
(1) by removal to unknown addresses —
(2) rehoused by Council 4
(ii) Number of persons concerned in such cases 20
(e) Cases in which dwelling-houses have again
become overcrowded after the Local Authority
have taken steps for the abatement of overcrowding
Rent Act, 1957.
Number of applications for Certificates of Disrepair 21
Number of undertakings given by Landlords 14
Number of Certificates issued 6
Number of Certificates cancelled 7
New Houses.
The Borough Engineer and Surveyor has kindly supplied the
following information:—
Number of new houses and flats erected during the year :
(a) (1) by the Local Authority 34
(2) by other bodies or persons 85
(b) with State Assistance under the Housing Acts:
(1) by the Local Authority 17
(2) by other bodies or persons Nil