London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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(d) (i) Number of cases of overcrowding relieved
during the year 43
(1) by removal to unknown addresses 38
(2) rehoused by Council 5
(ii) Number of persons concerned in such cases 215
(e) Cases in which dwelling-houses have again
become overcrowded after the Local Authority
have taken steps for the abatement of overcrowding
New Houses.
The Borough Engineer and Surveyor has kindly supplied the
following information:—
Number of new houses and flats erected during the year:
(a) (1) by the Local Authority 44
(2) by other bodies or persons 70
(b) with State Assistance under the Housing Acts:
(1) by the Local Authority 20
(2) by other bodies or persons Nil