London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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Special Milk Grants.
Liquid milk: Nil supplied. Grants of dried milk and other
accessory foods amounting to £23 11s. 8d. made during the year.
Maternity Outfits.
Number of maternity outfits supplied: 569.

Gynaecology Clinics.

Clinic.First attendances.Re-attendances.Aver. att'dance per session.
Stag Lane56365
Perrin Road30154
One Tree Hill24174
College Road2183

Birth Control Sessions.

Clinic.First attendances.Re-attendances.Aver. att'dance per session.
Stag Lane547812
Perrin Road833210

Home Helps.

Number of Families Attended.
By full-time personnel.By personnel on approved panel.Economic circumstances scale of families.
FulltimePart-timeFulltimePart-timeFree 10/- 20/- 30/- 40/- 60/- 70/- 84/-per week
51264310 27 21 27 9 11 7 8

Domiciliary Nursing.
Mothers referred for treatment to the Wembley and Kingsbury
Nursing Associations: 5.