London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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Number of cases removed from the register
as recovered during the six-year period —
Pulmonary 79
Non-pulmonary 47
The Ministry of Health Scheme providing mass miniature
radiography has been operating in the Borough, mostly at the
larger factory premises. Special arrangements, with the kind
co-operation of the management at one factory, allowed the service
to be offered to the Council's staff, and it is pleasing to record
that 190 of the staff accepted the opportunity and were x-rayed.

Bacteriological Service (at Middlesex Hospital).

Examinations madeQuarter endingTotal for 12 months
Throat swabs— Diphtheria6965 (of which 2 were positive)4154 (of which 4 were positive)229 (of which 6—2.61% were positive)
Hemolytic streptococci38 (of which 23 were positive)32 (of which 14 were positive)20 (of which 10 were positive)42 (of which 13 were positive)132 (of which 60 — 45.45% were positive)
Vincents angina19 (of which 5 were positive)19 (of which 1 was positive)19 (of which 7 were positive)23 (of which 1 was positive)80 (of which 14 were positive)
Other swabs351615
Nasal swabs— Diphtheria710 (of which 1 was positive)4728 (of which 1—3.57% was
Hæmolytic streptococci6214positive) 13
Vincents angina-1i-12
Sputum (tubercle bacilli)36 (of which 4 were positive)33 (of which 4 were positive)16 of which 3 were positive)25 (of which 4 were positive)110 (of which 15 — 13.63% were positive)