London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1943

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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Dairies and Mjlk Shops.
Number of Dairies registered 28
,, ,, purveyors of milk registered
with premises in the
Borough, selling milk in
properly closed and unopened
receptacles 48
,, ,, purveyors of milk registered
whose premises are outside
the Borough 24
,, ,, Dairies (included above)
where milk is bottled etc. 5

Milk (Special Designations) Regulations 1936 to 1942.

Designation of Milk.Licences issued.Samples taken.Samples not satisfactory.
Tuberculin Tested2251
T.T. (Pasteurised)-10
T.T. (Certified)

The Government's White Paper on measures
to improve the quality of the Nation's milk
supply was presented to Parliament in July ana
its main arguments were reported to the Public
Health Committee.
The policy of the Government was outlined
thus. All possible steps will be taken to
improve the quality of milk as it leaves the
farm. To this end the health of the animals
in all dairy herds will be brought under State
supervision, special attention being paid to
those herds the milk from which is not heat