London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1940

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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Found. Remedied.
Sanitary accommodation
(unsuitable or defective) 2 2
(not separate for the sexes) -
Other nuisances 1 1
Total- 3 3
All the public shelters are inspected by the
Public Health Department at least once in every
three months, visits being paid at more frequent
intervals as individual cases or complaints
require. Routine inspections are made at night
time as well as during the day. At these'
inspections the following headings are borne in
mind, from a hygiene point of view:-
"Shelter at for (nbr. persons)
Bunks provided for Bunk spacing
Feet between bunks Walls Floor
Ceiling Woodwork Ventilation
(Natural, through vent, mechanical, etc.)
Heating - Absent/Present. Method
Fumes If smoking allowed is there
separate compartment - Yes/No. Lighting
sufficient for reading and maintenance of
cleanliness throughout/dimming arrangements for
Sanitary Accommodation (state type)
Water supply Canteen
Washing facilities
Cleanliness - General Dustbins provided
- Beds & Bedding Are beds
aired daily Yes/No.
Reports of Vermin - Rats Mice Bugs Fleas
Mosquitoes Reports of infectious or
contagious disease
Other special remarks