London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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The number of outworkers on the register at the end of
1938 was 69, and 164 visits were made to outworkers' premises
during the year. In no case was work found to be carried out
on unwholesome premises.
The nature of the work carried out at these premises may
be classified as follows: —
Making of ladies' and children's dresses
and underclothing 23
Tailoring 15
Sportswear and knitted articles 9
Boots and shoes 7
Nurses' uniforms and overalls 3
Millinery 2
Embroidery 3
Miscellaneous (ties, buttons, sewing and mending,
fur trimming and such like, fur sewing, etc.) 7
Details regarding the Administration of the Factory &
Workshop Act, 1901, and The Factories Act, 1937.

1. INSPECTIONS for purposes of provisions as to health, including inspections made by Sanitary Inspectors.

Premises.Number of
InspectionsWritten Notices.Occupiers prosecuted.
* FACTORIES with mechanical power70242-
† FACTORIES without mechanical power70-
† OTHER PREMISES under the Act (including works of building and engineering construction but not including out-workers' premises).5--
† Electrical stations should be reckoned as factories.

* Includes 104 inspections of bakehouses with mechanical
† Includes 6 inspections of bakehouses without mechanical