London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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The Chief Officer of the Public Control Department of
the Middlesex County Council has kindly supplied the following
information with regard to the Milk and Dairies
(Consolidation) Act, 1915, and the Tuberculosis Order, 1925.
During 1936 nine samples of milk were taken from
retailers in the district. The samples were submitted to the
Lister Institute for animal inoculation tests for the presence
of tubercle bacilli. One of these samples was found to contain
living tubercle bacilli and was traced to a farm in this
district. The offending animal could not be discovered, but
it was found that two cows which had gone dry subsequent
to the taking of the sample had been sold for slaughter.
Possibly one of these was the offender, though no report of
any lesions could be obtained.
Routine examination of milch cattle was carried out
during the year by Mr. Reginald Wooff, M.R.C.V.S., the
County Council's whole-time veterinary inspector. Four
hundred and nine inspections of cows were carried out in
Wembley, but none of these was found to be suffering from

Milk ( Special D esignations) O rder, 1923. Licences Issued, 1936.

Dealers.Supplementary.To bottle.To Prs-teurise.
Grade A. T.T.1553-
Grade A.21--
Grade A. (Pasteurised)7---