London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wembley 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wembley]

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Todd, C. A., 6, Oakleigh Avenue, Burnt Oak
Whitworth, C., 12, Vivian Avenue, Wembley Hill.
Willmot, D., 139 Stag Lane, N.W.9.
Wilson, E. M., 14, St. James' Gardens, Alperton.
For the Year Ending December 31st, 1934.
Number of births notified in the area during the year
under the Notification of Births Act, 1907, as adjusted by
transferred notifications:—
(a) Live Births 1423
(b) Still births 34
(c) Total 1457
During the whole of 1933, whilst the amalgamation of
the Wembley Urban District with that of Kingsbury was in
contemplation, the question of the future control of the
Maternity and Child Welfare Services became at once of
much importance.
The Middlesex County Council had administered the
Kingsbury services for many years and now applied to the
Ministry of Health for powers to acquire those of Wembley
as well. The Wembley Council at once entered a protest,
giving many cogent reasons for the retention of these services,
claiming especially that they had been reported on favourably
after inspection, and that they had been very efficiently
conducted since their establishment in 1916.
In the beginning of 1934 the Ministry of Health held
an enquiry at the Guildhall, Westminster, on this matter.
Each district concerned engaged counsel; every point was
fully discussed and many witnesses examined.
In the result the Ministry decided that Wembley should
administer these Services for the whole of the enlarged
No time was then lost in taking over the Kingsbury
Clinics and the Health Visitors' work, and on the day of the
amalgamation the new Medical Officer and her staff at
Kingsbury were ready to carry on. I am glad to report that
all the Clinic centres are working smoothly.
Recently the ladies, who are called Voluntary Helpers,
and who assist the doctor and the health visitors on all the
Clinic days, formed themselves into an Association, with