London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southgate 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southgate]

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(a) Letters to Doctors.
Letters on the following subjects were circulated to Southgate
practitioners during 1957, some being sent under my signature as
Medical Officer of Health, others either as Area Medical Officer,
District School Medical Officer or jointly. As all the matters
covered in these letters have a direct bearing on the health of at
least a section of the community and as it is extremely difficult to
divide one's responsibility in such a vital matter as that of health,
I have included all the topics covered :
Antitoxins and Antigens.
Infectious Disease Regulations.
Collection of Laboratory Specimens—Easter Holiday.
Addresses of Practitioners.
Collection of Laboratory Specimens—Whitsun Holiday.
Outbreaks of Influenza.
Poliomyelitis and Smallpox.
Collection of Laboratory Specimens—August Holiday.
Asian flu.
Collection of Laboratory Specimens—Christmas Holiday.
The remarks set out in my Annual Report for 1956 relating to
the value of close co-operation with general practitioners holds as
firmly today as it did then. I am still very happy to think that the
relationship of the Public Health Department with the family
doctor is close and cordial and that this cordial bond is playing a
truly significant part in maintaining the health of the district.
(b) Medical Examinations.
During 1957, forty-four medical examinations were carried out
in respect of entrants to the Council's services.
In addition, two medical reports were issued to employees
absent from duty for more than a short period through sickness.