London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southgate 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southgate]

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Unfit Houses.
During 1955, one house, viz;. 61 Ivy Road in respect of which
the Council in 1954 made a Demolition Order under the Housing
Act 1936, was demolished.
The Council made Demolition Orders in 1955 in respect of 5
Crown Terrace, N.14, 78 Vicars Moor Lane and 52 Eversley Park
Road, N.21, and a Closing Order in respect of two basement rooms
at 8 Upper Park Road, N.ll, following inspections which revealed
them to be unfit for habitation
Early in 1955, a survey of the Borough, which had been commenced
towards the close of 1954, for the purpose of ascertaining
the number of houses unfit for habitation in accordance with the
standard laid down in the Housing Repairs and Rents Act 1954 and
fir only for clearance and demolition, was completed. A special
report was made to the Council on this matter in March, 1955.
This Report, being of a confidential nature, has not been reproduced
as an appendix to my Annual Report. After consideration of the
report, the Council informed the Minister of Housing and Local
Government that it was proposed to deal with 84 unfit houses in
the next five years by clearance and demolition in accordance with
the provisions of Parts II and III of the Housing Act 1936. A
preliminary report was submitted to the Public Health Committee
in November, 1955, outlining, for consideration, proposals for
dealing with 38 of the 84 houses referred to above.
Increase of Rent Certificates.
During 1955, thirty applications were received from tenants
for Certificates of Disrepair following notices from their landlords
concerning increases of rents. Following inspections of the houses,
thirty Certificates of Disrepair were granted.
During the year, twenty-nine applications were received from
landlords for Notices of Revocation of Certificates of Disrepair on
the grounds that they had put their houses into good repair.
Twenty-eight Notices of Revocation were granted and one was
Housing Applications.
Visits by the Sanitary Inspectors to applicants for housing
accommodation and the preparation of reports as to living conditions
were continued in 1955. The number of visits for this purpose was
67, as against 75 in 1954.
The close liaison between the Public Health Department and
the Housing Department has been maintained in 1955, as in previous
years. On many occasions I have been asked by the Town
Clerk to advise as to the degree of urgency on medical grounds
applicable to particular applications.