London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ruislip-Northwood 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ruislip]

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the requirements of foreign travel or service in the Forces a
comparatively trivial procedure. Primary vaccination in an
adult can however, be a most disturbing experience I wish
therefore, once again to make a plea for much more attention
to be paid to this need for infant vaccination
The work in connection with food hygiene has now reached
the stage when it has become part of the routine work of a
Public Health Department and it is no longer regarded as a
special activity. The traders concerned with food handling
have co-operated willingly with the department and are becoming
more and more aware of the hygiene standards required The new
Food and Drugs Regulations also will be the means of making a
further advance in the standards regarded as generally
Two other activities of the Public Health Department should
be mentioned In connection with the Housing Repairs and Rents
Act 1954 a number of inspections were made and, the necessary
action taken Inspections were also made under the Heating
Appliances (Fireguards) Act, 1952 It is gratifying to be able
to report that appliances now on sale comply with the
conditions set out under the regulations made under this
Act Unfortunately, however, there are many thousands of old
appliances still in use which do not reach the specified
standards the department has no power to deal with these and
it is the responsibility of householders to see that the heating
appliances they use are properly safeguarded
I would like to thank the members of the Public Health
Committee for their great help and encouragement shewn to the
department during the year My thanks are especially due to the
Chairman of the Committee who has at all times been most
interested in the work of the department and has given most
valuable assistance in the solution of a number of rather
difficult problems.
I am,
Yours obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.