London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ruislip-Northwood 1913

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ruislip]

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All cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis notified have
been visited, except those occurring in larger houses and
in which the medical man notifying stated that he was
satisfied with the sanitary surroundings and that proper
precautions were being taken. Many of the cases are
being treated in the open-air in shelters ; the surroundings
of the cottages and houses in this District are very
favourable for the treatment of cases at home, and I
have found that the inhabitants of the house in which
a case is being treated are quite alive to the importance
of taking precautions to prevent the spread of
the disease.
A stock of Diphtheria Antitoxin is kept for emergency
use by the Council, and is supplied free of charge to cases
recommended by the medical man attending.
The Bacteriological examination of throat swabs is
also undertaken free of charge for such cases. A certificated
and thoroughly trained midwife resides in Northwood
; she has done very good service among the poorer
mothers in the District, teaching them methods of cleanliness
and the management of new born infants, and no
cases of Puerperal Fever were notified. She also kindly
undertook the distribution of leaflets of instructions upon
the feeding of infants, printed by the Council.
Infant Mortality.
Three deaths of Infants under one year of age occurred
during the year.