London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Penge 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Penge]

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Milk Sampling
Samples of milk submitted to chemical analysis totalled 66 and all proved
to be genuine. The samples gave the following averages:—
Fat—3.55% (standard 3.0%).
Solids not fat—8.81% (standard 8.5%).
During the year one shop was registered for the manufacture of ice-cream.
This applied to the manufacture of "soft" ice cream. In this process the
pasteurised "mix" is purchased from well-known manufacturers and fed into
a small freezing machine which converts it into soft ice-cream. This type of
ice-cream appears to be gaining in popularity, and it is anticipated that it will
largely replace "hard" ice-cream.
Samples of ice-cream were taken and submitted to the methylene blue test
with the following result:—
Grade I—43. Grade II—5. Grade III—9.
The question of the low grading of certain samples was taken up with the
Director of the Public Health Laboratory. The Director pointed out that in the
interpretation of results of the examination of ice-cream attention should be
paid to the actual time taken to reduce the methylene blue as well as to the
actual numbers of the viable count rather than to the grading which is purely
arbitrary. When the results of these two examinations are not in agreement one
can assume that poor methylene blue grading arises from the presence of
organisms in the ice-cream with an undue power to reduce methylene. In this
connection the Director stated with one exception all the ice-cream samples
submitted had relatively low bacterial count.
There are no slaughterhouses in the district.
Kent County Council Sampling Officers took 120 samples of various foods
and drugs in the district as follows:—