London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Penge 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Penge]

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Lighted and ventilated 20
Repaired, &c 50
New water-closet basins and traps 96
Soil pipes and ventilation shafts reconstructed
Ditto, ditto repaired 57
Flushing apparatus renewed or repaired 59
Water Supply—
Water supply to houses re-instated 4
Cisterns cleansed, repaired or covered 47
Galvanized iron dust bins provided 200
Overcrowding in rooms abated 4
Yards and forecourts to houses paved or
amended 93
Removal of accumulations of dung, stagnant
water, animal or other refuse 17
Animals removed, being improperly kept 5
Damp premises remedied 27
Rooms provided with improved ventilation 18
Other defects remedied 84
108 premises were inspected subsequent to cases of
infectious diseases occurring, and the drains tested by a
smoke machine. The drains in some cases were found to
be defective.
The number of premises attacked by each disease
were as follows:—
Scarlet Fever 62
Diphtheria 35
Enteric fever 3
-Erysipelas 8