London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Leyton 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Leyton]

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(v) Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949—Rodent Control/ Disinfection.

Complaints received453146599
Infestation otherwise discovered336
Enquiries and visits made: By Rodent Operatives371011454855
By Sanitary Inspectors12901491439
Premises treated individually: Dwelling houses379168547
Business/Industrial Premises6241103
Blocks of premises treated: Dwelling houses44
Business/Industrial Premises22
Premises Re-treated: Dwelling houses25429
Business/Industrial Premises10717
Number of rooms treated372
Number of sites/tips treated6


(i) Public Health Acts.

Nature of work carried out to dwelling houses and other premises:

Cement work to sink waste gullies repaired30
Choked drains cleared28
Dampness remedied556
*Drains relaid or partly relaid37
Floors repaired182
Guttering repaired or renewed225
Miscellaneous defects remedied468
New W.C. pans and traps provided36
Plaster repaired529
Rainwater pipes repaired or renewed119
Roofs repaired or renewed550
Rooms redecorated220
Sashcords renewed233
Sinks provided6
Sink waste pipes repaired or renewed56
Stoves repaired or renewed86
Vent pipes repaired or renewed70
W.C. cisterns repaired or renewed98
Window sills, etc. repaired390
Yards paved23

* In 36 cases the public sewer was involved, the work was carried out on
behalf of the owners by the Council under the supervision of the Borough
Engineer and Surveyor, the expenses incurred thereby being recovered
from the owners.