London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hayes and Harlington 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hayes]

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No certificates of exemption from certain requirements of
the Pood Hygiene Regulations, 1955, have been granted.
Pull use has been made of the propaganda material and
posters issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Pood and the Central Council for Health Education. Large numbers
of posters have been exhibited in places where they will do most
good i.e. factory canteens, school kitchens, civic restaurant,
food factories, etc.
Bye laws made under Section 15 of the Pood and Drugs Act,1938,
have been in force in the district since July, 1950.
The long-awaited Codes of Practice for meat handling made
their appearance towards the end of the year and will, it is
assumed, be followed by codes for other food trades indue course.
The value of the new Codes to this district is negligible; they
merely represent an approach to the Food Hygiene Regulations
which has been followed by all conscientious Public Health Inspectors
for the past 5 years. It is understood that the original
draft was revised following consultations with trade associations
and other interested parties and it is not difficult
to imagine that it was during this process that they became
Hawkers of Food.
The registration of hawkers of certain classes of food has
been compulsory in this district since 1939 and immediately
after the Middlesex County Council Act, 1950, came into force
the Council adopted Section 11 of the Act to extend the registration
of hawkers to cover all classes of foodstuffs. The
vehicles and storage premises used by these traders are regularly
inspected by the Public Health Inspectors and have to
comply with the Food Hygiene Regulations.
Mobile shops from which groceries, meat, fish, ice cream,
refreshments, etc. are sold are all fitted with wash basins and
carry supplies of hot water, soap, towels and nail brushes but
such a high standard is not enforceable in the case of vehicles
from which only fruit and vegetables are sold.
Number of hawkers registered 44
Number of hawkers' storage premises
registered 8