London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Haringey 1970

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Haringey]

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Comparability Factors
To enable local vital statistics to be compared with other districts or with national figures, the Registrar General
issues comparability factors for correcting crude birth and death rates. These factors make allowance for the way
in which the sex and age distribution of the local population differs from England and Wales as a whole. The
death rate comparability factor has been adjusted specifically to take account of the presence of residential
institutions in the area.
To compare the crude 1970 rates for Haringey with the national rates, Haringey's figures must be multiplied by
the appropriate comparability factors, which are 0.92 for births and 0.96 for deaths.
The adjusted birth rate for Haringey is 16.75, and the death rate 11.51, compared with national rates of 16.0 and
Classification of Deaths
The Registrar General has analysed the 1970 deaths by causes which are classified according to the International
Abbreviated List of 50 causes (B. List) of the Eighth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases but
with some sub-divisions, to improve comparability with the classification used before 1968.