London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Friern Barnet 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Friern Barnet]

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Frequent visits were paid to butchers', fishmongers',
grocers' and bakers' shops, and other food premises.
A large quantity of food was examined of which the
following was condemned as unfit for human consumption:-
Beef 40 lbs.
Mutton 20 lbs.
Offal 20 lbs.
Bacon 24 lbs.
Fish 1050 lbs.
Sugar 28 lbs.
Jam/Marmalade 21 lbs.
Fruit 93 lbs.
Vegetables 94 lbs.
Dried Eggs 22 lbs.
Corned Beef/Mutton 220 lbs.
Tinned Milk 402 tins.
" Vegetables 343 tins.
" Meat 103 tins.
" Fish 104 tins.
" Fruit 121 tins.
" Bacon 25 tins.
" Soup 5 tins.
" Fruit Juice 25 tins.
" Fish Paste 7 tins.
539 cases of infectious disease were notified during
the year,(details of which are set out in Table 1), and is
the highest figure for some years. This may be attributed
to a sharp rise in the number of cases of Measles and Whooping
Cough (309 and 120 respectively), in each case more than
twice the number notified during 1947.
The incidence of Diphtheria continued exceptionally low
3 cases. One case, that of a girl aged 6 years, who was taken
ill whilst on holiday with her parents, proved fatal. This
patient had not been immunised.
Six cases of Polio-myelitis were notified during the
year - two girls aged 5 and 8 years - two boys aged 7 and 12
years - two adults (females aged 19 and 28 years). All made a
good recovery, the two adults and the boy aged 7 being the only
cases requiring orthopaedic treatment.
There was a slight decrease in the number of new
Tuberculosis cases - 30, compared with 37 during 1947. In
addition 7 persons took up residence in the district who had
previously been notified as suffering from the disease.
During the year 314 children were immunised at the
Clinics against Diphtheria. In addition, 111 children, on
reaching school age, were given a re-inforcing dose.
Only 7 cases were notified during the year, 5 being
treated at the Isolation Hospital, the other 2 being supplied
with the medicament for homo treatment.