London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Erith 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Erith]

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to report infestations, when every assistance is given to cope
with the menace. For an appropriate charge, the operative
carries out the necessary destruction. Close co-operation
exists between the Housing Department and the Sanitary
Inspectors, in which case successful disinfestation is promptly
carried out, and in the case of transfers it is sometimes necessary
for the tenant to surrender certain household effects for destruction.
D(5)k Mosquito Control
During the year, no obvious mosquito was found to exist,
nevertheless the usual appropriate precautionary measures were
taken which included spraying many of the water-courses
within the Borough.
The 290 pig food salvage bins in the streets received attention.
D(5)I Rodent Control
Two operatives continue to be employed on rodent
destruction in accordance with the terms of Circular N.S.19.
As in previous years, Corporation sewers were effectively
treated for sewer rat during the months of March and September
when a total of 338 manholes were baited.
Rats were found to be active in the sea wall at Jenning
Tree Point when the department carried out successful clearance
on behalf of the Kent Rivers Board which Authority met
the costs incurred.
D(5)m Pest Control
Ants, wasps, beetles, silverfish, crickets, etc. are well
known to be the cause of much distress amongst occupiers, and
to alleviate such condition, a disinfestation service is available.
The charge incurred includes the cost of materials used plus
apportionment charge on operative's time devoted to the
A suspected Colorado beetle submitted for identification
proved to be amphimallus (summer chafer).
D(5)n Offensive trades
In addition to the ordinary statutory trades which are
specified in Section 107 Public Health Act 1936, fish frying was
declared to be an offensive trade on 17th March 1939 and byelaws
were made accordingly.
Within the Borough, there are no offensive trades other
than those of fish frying, and of these premises, there are 14.