London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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late in development to combat an infestation. Whilst the copper content was within
safety limits, the importer was advised that the colour rendered the food unsatisfactory.
A sample of imported clover honey contained 55% clover pollen grains, tne
remainder being mostly brassica species. Close consideration is being given to
honeys, where a flower source is specified, and it may be that the opinion that not
less than 80% of the pollen grains should be from the named flower will have to
be accepted.
Two samples of imported fish delicatessen products contained benzoic acid
which is not a permitted preservative in this type of product. The importer was
warned that future infringements would lead to prosecution. The onus for ensuring
compliance with United Kingdom food and drugs legislation is placed squarely on
importers who regrettably, on occasions, fail to discharge this obligation, particularly
with continental and North American delicacies, where the volume of trade is small.
Objection was raised to the description of two "shandy" type products where
the content of proof spirit was 0.5% or less. The manufacturers of both commodities
have agreed to amendments.
A sample of "all butter" chocolate rolls was found to be filled with an imitation
cream containing non-milk fat. Amalgamations in the bakery trade had resulted in
responsibility for advertising and marketing on one hand and baking on the other
resting with two separate divisions of a group of companies. The firm concerned
took instant steps to adhere to the original " all butter " specification and withdrew
existing stocks from the retail market.
The attention of a number of manufacturers of " pates " has been drawn to the
necessity to designate the prime ingredients properly in the title. The original pate
was Pate de Foie Gras but it is conceded nowadays that a genuine pate may be
made from pork liver.
The description "Farmhouse Pate" where pork is the ingredient is misleading
and the product should be described as pork pate.
Two samples of "liver pate" containing more pork than liver should be
redesignated " pork and liver pate
A sample of "Pork and Beef Pate" containing more beef than pork should be
described as " Beef and Pork Pate ".
All milk samples during the year proved satisfactory, the average analysis
Fat 3.60%
Solids not Fat 8.83%