London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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mothers who have been nursed, and the conditions for which
they have been nursed.
4. The Health Committee of the Council are allowed to nominate
one of its members to serve on the Executive Committee of
each Association, and that the Medical Officer of Health or
one of the Medical Officers of the Health Department or
School Medical Department shall be an ex-officio member
of the Executive Committee of each Association.
There are no permanent arrangements in the District for the
domiciliary nursing of cases of infectious disease.
For Infectious Cases: two Motor Ambulances are stationed
at the Isolation Hospital for the removal of cases from the Enfield
and Edmonton Districts: 286 patients were removed from Enfield
during the year.
Three Ambulances are maintained by the Urban District Council
of Enfield, and are available for the removal of accident cases and
acute or urgent medical and surgical conditions requiring removal
to Hospital. Such cases are taken free of charge either to the North
Middlesex Hospital, Edmonton, the Prince of Wales' Hospital,
Tottenham, or the Enfield War Memorial Hospital. During 1937,
the Ambulances removed 1,808 patients.
None of the work of the Authority is related to or administered
by this service.
The following work was carried out in the Council's laboratory
during the year.

The following work was carried out in the Council's laboratory during the year.

Specimen.No.Positive.Negative.Percentage of Positives.

Reference to the laboratory report shows that 2,341 swabs were