London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1929

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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Ophthalmia Neonatorum.

Cases.Vision Unimpaired.Vision Impaired.Total Blindness.Deaths.
At Home.In Hospital.

It is the duty of the midwife who discovers that a child is
suffering from discharge from the eyes, to notify the County
Medical Officer of Health immediately. A local practitioner is
then called into the case, whose duty it is to notify me forthwith.
The child is visited by one of the Maternity and Child Welfare
nurses who reports thereon to me, and the information is passed
on to the County Medical Officer of Health.
Scarlet Fever.
One hundred and seventy-one cases of Scarlet Fever occurred
during the year in 123 houses, as follows:—
Number of houses where 1 case occurred 94
,, 2 cases ,, 16
3 „ „ 8
4 „ „ 4
5 „ „ 1
Total number of houses where cases occurred 76
Total number of cases 171
Deaths 1
This is the first death that has occurred from Scarlet Fever in
Enfield for the past 5 years.
Ninety-one cases of this disease occurred during the year in
76 houses, as follows:—