London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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Ante-Natal Clinics.
The are now three Ante-Natal Clinics tinder the charge of Dr.
Margaret Dunbar; the one for the Town and Chase portion of the
District being opened at the beginning of the year. They are
situated as follows:—
(а) For the Town & Chase Wards—
Armfield Road Institute.
(б) For the Eastern portion of the District—
Alma Road Council Schools, Ponders End.
(c) For Bush Hill Park Ward—
St. Mark's Institute, St. Mark's Road.

Each Centre is opened once a month, and the attendances during the year were:—

CentreNew AttendancesRe-AttendancesTotal AttendancesAverage Attendance per Meeting
Armfield Road Institute597313212.0
St, Mark's Institute666413010.8
Alma Road Council Scliool899218115.0

Maternity Hostel.
The arrangements entered into with the Edmonton Board of
Guardians as to the supply of beds for Maternity cases, necessitous
or otherwise, came into force in June, 1918. With the shortage of
housing accommodation, this provision has been much appreciated
by many mothers, the majority of whom now make direct application
to the Hostel.
The following table gives particulars of the work done by the
Health Visitors during the year.