London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Enfield 1915

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Enfield]

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I am pleased to be able to make a favourable report this year
of the way in which the dairy business is conducted. The improvement
previously noted has been maintained, more especially in
the retail milk shops, but I could wish some of the dairy farmers
would appreciate still more the benefit of cleanliness.
The cows are inspected bi-annually by Mr. H. H. Hide,
M.R.C.V.S., the Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the Council,
and I append copies of his two reports for the year, which are very
satisfactory, and tend to show that the Enfield dairy-farmer is
fully alive to the danger of keeping tuberculous cows on his premises.
From his reports it appears there has been some reduction in
the number of cows kept during the year, as in April he examined
452 cows—distributed among 19 cow-keepers, while at his December
visit he only found a total of 409, which were distributed
between 18 cow-keepers.
(Copy.) Holly House,
Lower Edmonton.
April 21st, 1915.
Dear Sir,—
I beg to report that I have completed the inspection of the
milch cows throughout the district as shown in the accompanying
I made a careful examination of each udder, with very satisfactory
results. There were very few cases of disease of any kind
and those were of the usual description common to milch cows at
all times, chiefly resulting from mammitis. In only two cases was
it necessary to make a bacteriological examination of the milk and
in neither was the germ of Tuberculosis present.
A certain number of the animals were in rather poor condition,
due in a great measure to the high price of food, and I also
found a few affected with skin diseases, but this is not uncommon
at this time of the year after being together in the sheds during
the winter. These were under treatment and appeared to be progressing
I think the cows, generally, may be considered as in a satisfactory
state and properly kept.
I am, dear Sir,
Yours obediently,
(Signed) H. H. Hide, M.R.C.V.S.
T. W. Scott, Esq.