London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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The great increase in pollution during November and December
shows what a large part is played by smoke from the ordinary house chimney.
Factory pollution increases only slightly during the Winter months, but the
home fires burn vigorously, and, if coal fires, do as much harm as good.
The No. 1 Smoke Control Order came into force on the 1st June,
1959. There have been few contraventions and in all cases the cause has
been accidental. Such a small area could not, of course, have any appreciable
effect on the smoke filter readings. The survey work on the No.2
Smoke Control Area was completed during 1959 and the Order was made in
November. (It was confirmed by the Minister and came into force during
1960). The No.2 Area was, of course, larger containing about 2,070 houses,
and immediately adjoined the No.l Area, being separated from it by the
Great Cambridge Road. The boundaries were and are on the north Ridge
Avenue and Bury Street, on the west the Borough boundary, on the south
Hedge Lane and on the east the Cambridge Road.
During the year 588 observations of industrial chimneys in the
Borough were made by the Public Health Inspectors.
Your Senior Public Health Inspector, as Officer-in-Charge,
Rodent Control, reported as follows:-
An Assistant Rodent Officer and two Operatives carry out rat
and mice destruction under the general supervision of the Public Health
Domestic premises are treated without charge and business
premises on repayment.
Where ever possible the poison used in treating infestations
is "Warfarin" which is very successful and comparatively harmless to
human beings and domestic animals.
In cases where rat infestations are suspected to be due to
faulty drainage the Public Health Inspector makes a full investigation
and where repairs are found to be necessary the matter is taken up with
the owner.
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