London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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Four persons and premises were registered during the year. No persons were registered to
trade in the Borough where storage premises are located in other districts.
There were 91 hawkers on the Register at the end of 1957.
The Council in April 1957 agreed in principle to the "Edmonton No. 1. Smoke Control Area"
and this was approved by the Minister of Housing and Local Government. The area was defined as
"The area bounded on the east and north east by Latymer Road, on the north by Harrow
Drive, on the west by the Great Cambridge Road and on the south by Church Street."
The survey of all the buildings in the area was completed in December and the Council made
the first Smoke Control Order in June 1958.
The area consists of 93 acres and contains 402 dwelling houses, 2 industrial premises and
7 other premises.
During the year 1050 observations of industrial chimneys in the Borough were made by the
District Public Health Inspectors and a number of factories have made extensive improvements
to their boilers.
In June, three deposit gauges were installed in the Borough at the following sites:-
Site No. 1. St. David's Hospital, Silver Street, N,18.
Site No. 2. Town Hall, Pore Street, N. 9.
Site No. 3. Cuckoo Hall Lane School, Nightingale Road, N.9.
The deposit gauges are exposed for periods of one month and the solid and liquid materials
are analysed and the amount of rain and solid matter is measured.
A summary of the analyses is shown in the table overleaf:-