London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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Six District Sanitary Inspectors and one woman Sanitary Inspector are
engaged in the sanitary supervision of the Borough, working under the supervision
of the Senior Sanitary Inspector. The Senior Sanitary Inspector
supervises the work of the Borough and is Inspector under the Canal Boats
Sanitary Conveniences.
There are seven Public Conveniences in the Borough which are kept under
constant supervision by the Public Health Department.
Rats and Mice (Destruction) Act, 1919. Infestation Order, 1943.
Under this heading your Senior Sanitary Inspector, as Officer-in-Charge,
Rodent Control, reported as follows :—
The Council have two Rodent Operatives and the part time services of a
Junior Clerk, and appointed the District Sanitary Inspectors Rodent Officers,
with Mr. Gaffney as Assistant Rodent Officer.
Up to the end of the year, 7241 visits and re-visits have been made by
the Rodent Operators in connection with complaints as to alleged rat
infestation It is pleasing to report that it was not found necessary to serve
any notices during the year.
Detestation has been carried out on request at 989 premises (which
number includes business and other premises) and at the end of the year 58
premises were in process of "detestation."
The District Sanitary Inspectors in cases where there was a possibility of
the infestation being due to defective drainage visited the premises and tested
the drainage and any defects discovered were dealt with through the usual
Of 166 cases of Rat Infestation referred to the District Inspectors, owing
to the possibility of defects in the drainage, in 80 per cent, of the cases defects
were discovered and as one can quite appreciate entailed quite a large amount
of work.
During the year maintenance treatments of the sewers took place by the
Borough Engineer's Department.
Middlesex County Council Act, 1944, Section 279, Hawkers, Etc.
This Act came into operation on the 1st October, 1944, and Section
279 replaced Section 71 of the Act of 1938. Four persons were registered
during the year.
Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions) Acts 1920-1933
During the year your Senior Sanitary Inspector has issued 4 Certificates
under the above Acts upon applications of Occupiers of dwelling-houses in the