London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Edmonton 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Edmonton]

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The Council distribute a disinfecting powder and fluid to residents who
apply for same at the Town Hall Yard. During the year, the applicants
numbered 7,124. One hour daily is allowed for such distribution with the
exception of Fridays and Saturdays. A Formalin Chamber is used for the
disinfection of books, leather goods, etc., articles that would be damaged by
steam. The number of books and other articles thus disinfected was 305.
Two Council houses and 84 other houses were found to be infested and
the total number of rooms disinfested was 164. The whole of the work is
carried out by the Department, the materials used being Insecticides containing
D.D.T. as a base.
Petroleum (Regulations) Acts, 1928 and 1936.
During the year seven new licences and 99 renewals were granted by the
Council. The following is a list of particulars of quantities, etc., affected by
these licences:—
Petroleum spirit 410,759 gallons.
Petroleum mixtures 6,278 ,,
Carbide of calcium 17 cwts. 78 lbs.
Rubber Solution 100 ,,
During the year 96 bodies were deposited in the Mortuary, 72 by order
of the Coroner and 24 for sanitary reasons.
Inspections.- The following tabular statement gives the number and
nature of the inspections made during the year:—
Complaints 2,071
Infectious disease 392
Tuberculosis 27
Factories with mechanical power 106
Factories without mechanical power 12
Outworkers 89
Schools 4
Offensive trades 6
Shops and Stalls 108
Shops Act (Primary) 12
Shops Act (Re-inspections) 3
Sanitary conveniences and urinals 468
Smoke observations 10
Rat Infestation 36
Stables 18
Piggeries 31
Petroleum 32
General inspections 368
Sundry Visits 2,698
Cinemas and Halls 7
Visits to canal 4
Gipsies 3
Re-inspections 5,886
Inspection of Places where Food is Prepared.
Butchers 108
Fish shops 21
Coffee shops 54
Dairies and milkshops 32
Slaughterhouses 46
Bakehouses 16
Ice Cream Shops 18