London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Ealing 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Ealing]

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I append a report to the Medical Officer of Health by the Chief
Sanitary Inspector giving details of the work of the Sanitary
Inspectors during the year ;
Public Hfialth Act 1936
Premises inspected on complaint 2,448
Other nuisances observed by Inspectors 93
Premises inspected in connection with infectious disease 713
Smoke observations 187
Houses without water supply 54
Inspections of moveable dwellings 412
Other inspections 2,867
Re-inspections 9,493
Intimation Notices served 1,481
Statutory Notices served 316
Letters written 1,799
Proceedings before magistrates 18
Legal Proceedings.
Public Health Act 1936, Section 93.
Non-compliance with Statutory Notices.
In 13 cases legal proceedings were taken to enforce compliance
with Notices requiring the abatement of nuisances. In 12 of these
Orders were made by the Magistrates for the necessary work to be
carried out within a stated period and costs amounting to £10. 10. 0d.
were awarded. In one case, the hearing was adjourned and the
summons later withdrawn as the work was completed. One case
was taken against the owner of a property for non-compliance with
a Nuisance Order made by the Court and a penalty of £2 was
inposed with £1. 1. 0d. costs. Three cases were taken against caravan
owners in respect of non-compliance with Abatement Notices.
In one of these cases an Order was made by the Magistrates for the
caravan to be removed and in the other two cases the summonses
were withdrawn as the caravans had left the district. In 12 cases,
summonses were issued but withdrawn before the hearings as the
necessary work had been completed.
Public Health Act 1936, Section 39.
The owner of one property upon whom a Notice had been
served to execute drainage works, appealed against the Notice to
the Ealing Magistrates' Court. The appeal was disallowed by the