London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1969

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The system of using the services of approved chiropodists working in
their own surgeries was continued and attendances rose steadily. Satisfactory
reports on the premises and mode of practice of all chiropodists in the
scheme were received from the Corporation's visiting specialist. Domiciliary
treatment was also included, but the fees came out of the financial allocation
allowed to each practitioner. It was thus left to individual chiropodists
to decide how they allocated services within their global budgets.
The scheme covers elderly persons, expectant mothers and the permanently
It has proved a successful and popular service, and requests for increases
were limited only by financial consideration. For the past three
years in New Addington, the complete absence of any private chiropodist's
surgery within the scheme has necessitated the provision of a Corporation
clinic, and the engagement of a part-time chiropodist for 2 sessions a week,
Similar facilities were provided at the "Waylands" Training Centre where up
to 100 physically handicapped persons may attend each day and many need
On December 31st 1969, 26 chiropodists were operating this scheme.
During the period January 1st to December 31st 1969, they gave 21,837
treatments at their surgeries and 6,162 by domiciliary visits. 459 treatments
were given at Parkway Clinic, New Addington and 289 at "Waylands".
Early in 1969 the Regional Hospital Board Laboratory increased their
facilities and offered to take one hundred new cases per week. In spite of
increased publicity this target was not reached. The approach to industrial
and commercial firms offering sessions in their premises was disappointing,
nevertheless fifteen sessions were held as a result of this publicity, and
there was an overall increase of 1,000 slides during the year. Requests for
this service from younger women increased and late in 1969 the age was
reduced from thirty-five years and over, to twenty-five years, priority being
given to the older age groups. This reduction in age produced two class three
For detailed figures see Appendix, page 119.