London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1965

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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I am indebted to the Borough Engineer, A. P. Holt, Esq.,
M.I.C.E., for the following information:-
"I make the following comments on the progress of the new
Sewage Treatment Works at Beddington.
The scheme provides for an entirely new Sewage Treatment
Works to serve a population of 365,000. A preliminary Civil
Engineering Contract (£320,000) is in progress and about 75%
complete. Several contracts for machinery required in the new
Works have now been let at an approximate total cost of £450,000.
A major Civil Engineering Contract for the bulk of the new
treatment plant will be let early in 1966 at an estimated value
of over one million pounds.
The programme of construction is such that it is anticipated
that the new Works will be in operation by 1969/70,"