London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1965

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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the use of special educational facilities as a therapeutic tool
in the treatment of environmental maladjustment. The Committee's
decision to erect a purpose-built school for the accommodation
of 70 children represents an important advance in the treatment
of emotional problems within the Borough. Although it may be
four or five years before the new building can be opened, the
prospect presents an exciting challenge to all those concerned
with this development. During 1965 a total of 14 medical recommendations
were made on behalf of children who were thought to
be maladjusted.
The problem presented by the autistic child continues to
cause concern. Autism is a small but significant problem about
which little is known, but about which much has been written.
Present theories suggest that many autistic children could be
educated in a suitable school environment and our inability to
give the sorely tried parents of these children the help which
they so obviously need was regretted.
Physically Handicapped Pupils
In Day Special Schools 92
In Residential Special Schools 16
Awaiting Placement 7
During the year 22 physically handicapped children were
recommended for admission to a suitable special school. A large
majority of the children are accepted into St. Giles' School and
it was possible to offer such facilities to a number of children
living in the southern part of the Borough who had previously
been receiving various forms of home tuition. Several parents
subsequently complimented the medical officers, and the officers
of the Education Department for the speed and efficiency with
which the appropriate arrangements were made so soon after a
major reorganisation in local government structure.
I am grateful to Mr. D.B. Pettman for the following report.
St. Giles' School for Physically Handicapped Pupils
A number of major changes and developments occurred in 1965.
Mr. D. B. Pettman took over as Head Master from Mr. F.H. Green at
the beginning of the Summer Term.
The new block of three classrooms was completed in November
and internal reorganisation resulted in improved facilities for
specialist teaching in the Secondary Dept. of the school.