London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1964

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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This comparative Table is of interest in demonstrating
the progressive reduction in the percentage referred for treatment
at routine inspection over the years, and particularly so
when the figure for 1937 is compared with current results.
Though the percentage of those attending for emergency treatment
also shows a marked decline, the amount of work is still
appreciable when compared with the number accepting regular
attention, and therefore constitutes an important factor when
assessing the actual "need" for treatment.
Of 11,532 children referred for treatment (including
specials) 5,929 (51.4 per cent.) were treated and 4,133 (35.8
per cent.) cured completely, compared with 12,447 referred,
6,803 (54.5 per cent.) treated and 5,145 (41.3 per cent.) cured
in 1963.
Treatment sessions at 2,572 were similar to those recorded
during the previous year.
Thpugh during more recent years the numbers visiting the
Clinics have progressively decreased, this has resulted in a
corresponding change in the pattern of treatment, and permitted
a higher level of conservation for the individual child. The
general introduction of planned treatment, prophylactic measures
and other specialised work, though reducing the apparent output,
has in practice greatly raised the potential value of the
As a direct result of the reduction of clinical commitments,
increased time is now available for the carrying out of routine
school inspections. Whilst as stated there has been an overall
improvement in the mouths of most children, "pockets of neglect"
are still discernible in many otherwise satisfactory Departments,
and for this reason regular supervision of schools is of
great importance and must continue to receive a high priority.
Items of Treatment
The ensuing Table gives particulars of the principal items
of treatment compared with those last year.
1964 1963
Attendances 17,504 18,409
Treated 5,925 6,803
Re-treated 3,144 3,716
Fillings - Permanent 6,344 6,273
Temporary 2,532 2,052