London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1962

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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All but 3 cases were notified during life.
Where patients have not been notified during their lifetime
a visit is paid by the Tuberculosis Health Visitor to the home
of the deceased, to obtain particulars of the contacts and to
endeavour to persuade them to attend the Clinic for examination.
In 1962 the death-rate from all forms of Tuberculosis was
0.06 per 1,000 population.
The rate from Respiratory Tuberculosis was 0. 05 and the rate
for Non-Respiratory Tuberculosis 0.01. Similar figures for 1961
were 0.08 and 0.00.
In 1962 the total number of deaths showed a decrease of
seven when compared with 1961. 80% of the deaths occurred in the
age groups 45 years and over. There were no deaths in children
of school age.
Deaths from Non-Respiratory Tuberculosis
During 1962 two deaths were certified to be due to Non-Respiratory
Tuberculosis, compared with nil in 1961, 2 in 1960, 1
in 1959 and 1 in 1958.
Co-ordination with the Health Department
During the year 11 children were referred by the School
Medical Service, and 2 cases from the Maternity and Child Welfare
Section of the Public Health Department.
Extra Nourishment
Provision of special nourishment in the form of milk was
granted to 28 selected cases for varying periods during the year
and 23 cases were in receipt of extra nourishment at the end of
the year.
Residential Treatment
271 men, 214 women and 10 children were admitted to Residential
Institutions in Croydon during 1962.