London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Inclusion of mental health features within the series of
Health Education talks to school children initiated by the
Health Education Officer has taken this work into the schools.
The difficulty here has been the choice of material and decision
on the advice which can and should be given. As a very
small effort in the prevention of mental subnormality, routine
testing of infants for phenylketonuria was established during
the year under review.
While I must record especially our thanks to the staff of
Warlingham Park Hospital for unfailing help and assistance, I
also record with appreciation similar services from Dr. Gibson
and Dr. Richards of St. Lawrence's Hospital and Dr. Ferguson of
the Royal Earlswood Hospital.
Statistical details are given in Appendix, page 126.
There was no significant change in training arrangements and
statistics are given below:
Occupation Centre
Number on Register, January, 1960 90
Number on Register, December, 1960 94
Number of admissions 18
Number left or excluded 14
Average attendance per Session 74
Times open, morning - afternoon 394
Total attendance for year 28,932
The outdoor training group was enlarged and results have
been very gratifying. One girl received two certificates of
merit for general needlework and embroidery at the Olympia "Do
it yourself" Exhibition.
The Croydon and District Society for mentally handicapped
children maintained its interest in the welfare of the children
and in addition to contributing generously to the Christmas
Party also arranged a Circus outing.