London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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64 Croydon Spastics were receiving education as at 31.12.60.
2 children received Home Teaching
30 were attending St. Giles' School
2 were attending St. Margaret's School, Croydon
6 were at Residential Schools for Physically
Handicapped children
2 were attending a Residential School (St. Mary's Bexhill)
8 were attending ordinary school
1 was attending Myope School
2 were attending St. Christopher's School
1 was attending normal Private school
8 were attending spastic Centre full time.
For many years we used the excellent facilities of the Audiology
Unit of the Royal Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, London.
The very considerable developments in the early diagnosis of
deafness and the consequent increase in the number of partially
deaf children who can remain in ordinary schools, emphasised the
need for a local service. In this, we were given encouragement
and practical help by the staff of the Audiology Unit, whose
assistance remains available for cases of special difficulty.
During the year under review, the Corporation arranged for
the Consultant Otologist to the Croydon Group of Hospitals to
supervise their service and appointed a fully trained Peripatetic
Teacher of the Deaf to deal both with pre-school and school
children. Miss Dimond-Hogg took up this post in May. A room
was specially adapted and equipped at the central school clinic,
from which she works and where a monthly consultant clinic is
held by the Otologist.
With one of the Assistant Medical Officers of Health, for
whom special training was arranged, Miss Dimond-Hogg carries out
the preliminary tests for deafness in very young babies. She
visits all schools, examines individual children, checks their
hearing aids and advises teachers and parents. She concentrates
on known cases and those likely to be deaf, namely, children who
are educationally backward or with a speech defect or suspected
of deafness by doctors, school nurses, teachers or parents.
For statistical details of her work, see Appendix G, Page 60.