London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Summary of inspections made hy the Public Health Inspectors,
and other Departmental work
Total number of houses inspected for housing defects under
Public Health or Housing Acts 3,262
Houses inspected where zymotic diseases have occurred 216
following applications for certificates
of disrepair 770
Inspections of underground rooms 69
Special inspections in connection with the Housing surrey 40
Houses inspected for overcrowding conditions 68
Reinspections of work outstanding on housing notices 8,084
Number of visits regarding infectious diseases 1,057
food poisoning 64
Inspections of drainage work during repair 2,058
House drains tested with smoke and colour - routine and
complaint 865
House drains tested with smoke (on written application) 14
House drains tested with smoke during repair 44
House drains tested with water during repair 102
Inspections of cesspools and earth closets 25
" " schools and school sanitary conveniences 124
" " public conveniences 149
" " verminous premises 77
" " ponds and ditches 27
" " yards, stables and passages 241
" " theatres, cinemas, halls, etc. 98
" " pig styes 52
" " tents, vans and similar structures 64
" " knackers yards 9
Visits regarding smoke abatement 1,912
Visits regarding exhumation 1
Inspections of swimming baths 21
" " wells 6
" " gathering grounds of water supply 37
" " gipsy encampments, canps, fairs, etc. 20
" " offices 3
" " rivers and streams for pollutions 164
Food and Drugs Acts: Food and drugs samples taken 318
Food and Drugs Acts: Milk samples taken 243
Milk (Special Designations) Orders: samples taken 233
Ice cream samples taken 223
Samples taken of Fertilizers and Feeding Stuffs 21
" " swimming baths water 60
" " drinking water 274
" " subsoil water 25
" " from rivers, streams, etc. 10
" " private wells 22
" " of rag flock and other filling materials 23
" " sundry specimens (food poisoning etc.) 18
Inspections under Merchandise Marks Act 68
" " of butchers premises 304
" " meat premises (wholesale) 547
" " horseflesh premises 3
" " poultry and game dealers premises 23
" " fishmongers premises 76
" " fried fish premises 35
" " grocers premises 535
" " fruiterers and greengrocers premises 137
" " bakers premises - including bakehouses 131
" " dairies 58
" " milk shops 35
" " general shops and their premises 35
visits to premises for food condemnation 614