London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1958

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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I I am indebted to Miss J. Rundle, the Teacher-in-Charge, for
the following observations:-
Throughout 1958 steady progress continued in all school
subjects. The senior girls attended Ecclesbourne School for
Domestic Science and the boys now attend St. Christopher's
School for woodwork, we are grateful to the Head Teachers and
Members of Staff of these schools for their Interest In our
boys and girls.
Once again on Open Day we were very pleased to have Councillor
Mrs. Maycock with us as well as many parents and friends
We were pleased to welcome Mr. Moody, H.U.I, for Special
Schools and also Miss Deavin, H.M.I, who is especially interested
in Schools for the Partially sighted and whose guidance
and helpful advice was much appreciated. There were many other
visitors during the year.
During 19 58 the first of the twice-yearly eye examinations
to be held at the school took place. The parents are invited
to attend these examinations and we hope that they will provide
a closer link with the Ophthalmologist, the school and the home.
We should like to record our appreciation for our new furniture.
The new desks are proving very beneficial as they have
been designed to meet the needs of partially sighted children.
The Harvest Festival in September brought forth a generous
number of gifts which were distributed to many elderly people.
Ho children left the school during 1958 as the majority of
the children are in the younger age groups.
The Autumn Term ended with an enjoyable Christmas Party and
Carol Service which was attended by several parents and friends
The number on roll was 21 on December 31st, 1958.