London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1957

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The District Public Health Inspectors, all qualified Meat
Inspectors, inspect meat at the 6 wholesale Meat Depots in the
Borough, as well as that exposed for sale in the butcher's shops.
The Diseases of Animals (Waste Foods) Order, 1957
The Order provides that, in general, all waste food must be
boiled before feeding to animals to minimise the spread of
animal diseases. Licences to operate boiling plants and equipment
are issued after inspection of the premises and plants. 80
inspections were made and 24 licences issued during the year.
During the year 135 inspections were made of dairies and
premises from which milk was sold.
Milk and Dairies Regulations, 1949
The following licences were granted during the year:-
Dealers' Licences to use the designation
"Tuberculin Tested" 56
Licences to use the designation "Pasteurised" -
(a) Dealers' (Pasteurisers') Licences 2
(b) Dealers' Licences 77
Licences to use the designation "Sterilised" -
Dealers' Licences 110
Dealers' Supplementary Licences to use the
(a) Tuberculin Tested 15
(b) Sterilised 14
(c) Pasteurised 15
Inspection of these licensed premises has been carried out
during the year to see that the conditions of the licences were
Bacteriological Examinations of Milk
During the year the following samples of milk were examined:-