London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1956

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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I am indebted to Dr. J.J. Linehan, Physician Superintendent,
for the following report on infectious etc. cases admitted to
the Hospital during 1956.
There was a total of 588 admissions of whom 511 were admitted
to the acute infectious diseases wards, 74 to the chest ward and
3 to the ward for chronic sick. The latter ward being temporarily
evacuated from Mayday Hospital returned to that hospital early
in the year. Where patients were admitted from outside the Borough
of Croydon, the number of Croydon patients is shown separately
in brackets. The average of occupied beds was 52.16.
Admissions to the Chest Ward:- 66 (62) tuberculous patients
were admitted and there were 7 deaths. While the proportion of
deaths remains approximately the same as in the previous year,
the average age of fatal cases, 71 years, was higher and all the
deaths occurred in patients over 60. Admissions to the ward also
included five cases of bronchial carcinoma and one case of laryngeal
carcinoma. The average bed occupancy was 18.83 and average
stay in hospital 98.47 days.
Admissions to the Infectioais diseases Wards: - The following
are the final diagnoses of patients admitted to the acute infectious
diseases' wards, together with brief details relating to
the common infectious diseases. The average stay in hospital of
these patients was 21.24 days and the average number of occupied
beds 29.6.
Scarlet Fever 77 (73) Pyaemia 1
Gastro-enteritis 71 (48) Lymphadenitis 4 (2)
Pneumonia 49 (33) Gastritis 2
Whooping Cough 35 (21) Colitis 3
Measles 31 (]9) Appendicitis 1
Chicken-pox 30 (16) Intussusception 1
Dysentery 27 (17) Pyelitis 1
Poliomyelitis and Nephritis 1
Encephalitis 23 (21) Impetigo 6
Kumps 14 (11) pemphigus 1
Influenza 13 (11) Infective Dermatitis 1
Meningitis 10 (9) Purpura Simplex 1
Infective Hepatitis 10 Papular Urticaria 1
Rubella ]0 Herpes Zoster 1
Food Poisoning 9 (5) Heat Rash 1
Typhoid Carrier 1 Urticaria 1
Salmonella Septicaemia 1 (0) Angio-neurotic Oedema 1
Meningococcal Septicaemia 1 Haeraatoma of Scalp 1
Fever 5 (2) Asthma 1
Opnthalmia Neonatorum 1 Rheumatism 2
Erysipelas 3 Arthritis 1
Puerperal Pyrexia 1 Talipes 1
Streptococcal Sore Throat 3 Epilepsy 1
Pharyngitis 8 Senile Dementia 1
Tonsillitis 9 (8) Concussion 1
Laryngitis Stridulosa 2 Congenital Heart Disease 1
Bronchitis 9 Myocardiac Degeneration 1
Stomatitis 2 Pyrexia of Unknown Origin 1
Sinusitis 1 Non-patient Mother 1
Quinsy 3 Non-patient Babies 4
Otitis Media 1