London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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afterwards discussed by him and the Health Visitor and occasionally
by the Medical staff of the Medical Officer of Health's
It was felt that this combination of an initial interview
with the mother or parents and consequent analysis and discussion
of the case with the Health Visitors, particularly the Health
Visitor immediately responsible for the patient, has proved
beneficial. The Health Visitors appear to have shown great
interest in this scheme and they appreciate the necessity of
understanding an emotional disturbance or behaviour difficulty
either on a common sense basis or from the standpoint of psychodynamic
principles, with which they have already made some considerable
Another gain lies in the fact that dealing with the early
stages of maladjustment in the setting of the Public Health
Department has already helped to prevent to some extent the overloading
of the Child Guidance Clinic with referrals of unsuitable
cases, particularly those under school age. It is hoped that
this reduction will apply at a later stage to children of school
Up to the present thirty two cases have been discussed and
among them fourteen mothers and children have also been seen. "
"The Health Visitors have found these discussions stimulating
and extremely useful. Knowing the lines upon which the psychiatrist
is working they have been able to help the mother and
children concerned so much more than has been possible in the
past. This continuity of advice and help must in the long run
prevent much unhappiness and physical as well as mental illhealth.
They wish to thank Dr. Zanker for undertaking this type of
in-service training and for making the discussions so interesting."