London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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During 1955, 686 persons were examined for the first time as
contacts of notified cases of tuberculosis, giving a contact-case
ratio of 4 for each notified case during the year.
Of these contacts, 13 were found to be tuberculous. This is
equal to a tuberculosis rate per 1,000 contacts of 19, compared
with 1.04 per 1,000 of the general population. In addition, there
were 4 found to be tuberculous who had been under observation
from previous years.
The number of new contacts examined, together with the numbers
of new cases of Tuberculosis notified in previous years are as
follows: -
1954 - New contacts examined 820.
1953 - „ „ „ „ 668.
1952 - „ „ „ „ 661.
1951 - „ „ „ „ 562.
1950 - „ „ „ „ 561.
New cases of tuberculosis 238
„ „ „ „ 211
„ „ „ „ 243
„ „ „ „ 214
„ „ „ „ 275
B.C. G. Vaccination
The use of B.C.G. vaccination for contacts has been continued
during 1955 and regular sessions are held at the Clinic for
this purpose. 259 contacts were successfully vaccinated during the
year, compared with 281 in 1954. In addition, 24 nurses and
domestics were successfully vaccinated, and 52 babies of tuberculous
parents were vaccinated in hospital during the neonatal
During 1955 the Ministry of Health approved a pilot trial
for the B.C.G. vaccination of school leavers in one selected
school in the Borough. As a result of this trial 66 children over
the age of 13 years were successfully vaccinated.
The results of the trials carried out during 1954 and 1955
coupled with the report of the Medical Research Council indicates
the value of B.C.G. as a protective measure.
The response of parents to the B.C.G. vaccination for their
children has been good, and only in a very few instances has
permission been refused.
Chest Clinic Register of Tuberculosis Cases
Number on Chest Clinic Register on 1st January, 1955 1,886
Transfers in from other areas 92
"Lost sight of" cases returned during the year 1
New cases diagnosed as definite during the year 151
2, 130